Enjoy a holiday with the kids in Pilsen

If you’re setting off on a trip or holiday to Pilsen, we’d recommend spending at least a few days here – there’s just so much to do. Pilsen is sure to surprise you with just how many family-oriented destinations it has in one city. You’ll also find interesting places and experiences just outside of town. Choose the tips that best fit your family, and enjoy a great holiday in Pilsen.

We recommend:

  • Zoological garden: Baby chimpanzees, commentated feedings, and animals from all over the world. Pilsen Zoo is one of the most visited in the country. (open daily)
  • DinoPark Pilsen: Right next to the zoo is an amusement park full of giant models of prehistoric lizards. Visit the world where dinosaurs still reign supreme. We’d recommend buying the combined ticket with the zoo. (open daily)
  • Puppet Museum: Spejbl and Hurvínek come from Pilsen, and the local puppetry tradition is as colourful as ever. Come and see for yourself at the Puppet Museum, where you can do more than only look at the exhibits but also play with many of them. (open every day except Monday). To see the puppets Spejbl and Hurvínek in action, you can take a trip to the Prague neighbourhood of Dejvice.
  • Techmania Science Center: You’ll find the interactive world of science and technology in the former factory halls of Pilsen’s Škoda Works. At Techmania, you can experiment with hundreds of different exhibits. Also, be sure to stop by the science show and the 3D Planetarium. (open daily)
  • Sportmanie Festival: One of the summer events you won’t want to miss is Sportmanie, open from 17-28 August. Here you’ll find dozens of sporting grounds where adults and kids can play traditional sports guided by instructors and also try out lesser-known sports. You’ll find additional tips on events in the overview of kids’ events.

Other experiences you won’t want to miss:

  • The top of Pilsen tower: St. Bartholomew’s Cathedral has the tallest church tower in the country. Its 299 steps present a challenge for the whole family, but the effort is certainly worth the view. (open daily)
  • Tour the Historical Underground: After enjoying a view over the city, it’s time to enjoy the view from underneath, in the labyrinth of corridors that make up the Pilsen Underground. Discover what life looked like under a Medieval city. The underground is accessible for children aged 3 and older. (open daily)
  • Spejbl and Hurvínek Fun Route: The recreational area around the Bolevec Ponds offers great locations for summer fun and swimming. You’ll also find a 5.5 km path, complete with ten fitness challenges along the way. (open daily)

If you’re planning to stay in Pilsen longer:

Tips on trips outside of Pilsen: